Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ratu Boko Temple

Ratu Boko is a spectacular 8th century palace complex, built during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran, a Saliendra dynasty descendant. This palace was originally planned to be named Ahhayagiri Vihara which translates to monastery on a peaceful hill. Its purpose was for isolation to focus on the spiritual life. One can easily feel at peace here, just by looking at the majestic view of not only the city of Yogyakarta and Prambanan Temple but also the tall and sturdy, Mount Merapi.

This palace is divided into four sections, the central, east, west and southeast. The center consists of the main gate, small temples, a terrace and a Paseban. The southeast includes halls, 3 temples, ponds and most importantly, a complex for the Princess. In the east, there are caves and Buddhist stupas and lastly hills in the west.

A Brief History

Ratu Boko Palace is unique than other relics. While others are built in the form of a temple, this site’s name implies that it was actually used as a place of residence. When visiting this place, one should really take their time exploring and eventually find out that this place shows one of the most beautiful sunsets ever seen.
The actual function of Ratu Boko site is still questioned. Some scholars say it was a palace of the ancient Mataram Kingdom while others say it was either a monastery or a place of recreation. Inscriptions found proved that the site was used between the 8th and 9th centuries.
The rebuilding of the Ratu Boko site had produced many artifacts, especially those of statues, both Buddhist (three Dhyani Buddhas) and Hindu (Durga, Ganesha and Garuda). A golden plate had also been found with the writing “Om Rudra ya namah swaha” as a form of worship towards Rudra, also known as Shiva the Destroyer. It was concluded that Hindus and Buddhists live together in tolerance.

Tickets and Operating Hours

Operating Hours: Opens daily from 6am to 6pm.
Ticket Price:
Domestic Tourist – Rp.25.000
Foreign Tourist – Adult: Rp.130.000
                                Children: Rp.70.000
You may also purchase the ticket via

Getting There
Address: Jalan Raya Jogja-Solo, Prambanan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

From Adisutjipto Airport
The Ratu Boko Temple is just thirteen kilometers away from the Yogyakarta airport and one can access it by taking a taxi, which should cost around Rp.65.000 and take duration of 30 minutes. 

From the town center
Taking a taxi from the town center to the Ratu Boko palace should cost around Rp.75.000. Some drivers would also be willing to wait for you whilst you visit the site and take you back to town for Rp.75.000 as well, making the total cost Rp.150.000.

A suggestion
The Ratu Boko Palace is located just 3km away from the Prambanan Temple. It would be best to visit the Prambanan Temple first then Ratu Boko Palace, at the same time period.

In the Prambanan Temple ticket box, there is an option to purchase a package. This package allows visitors to roam around Prambanan Temple and go to Ratu Boko Palace afterwards, via a shuttle bus.

Once you get to Ratu Boko Palace, you won’t need to purchase a ticket anymore and you will get some time to explore on your own or with a tour guide you may rent. Once finished, you may ask the shuttle bus to take you back to the Prambanan Temple site, where you can get easier access to transportation back to town.


for full map, click here

General Recommendations

The weather in Yogyakarta is typically hot and humid. To minimize getting hot and sweaty, it is recommended that you wear something that keeps you cool yet not too revealing because Yogyakarta’s culture is quite reserved and conservative.

Photography Tips


Ratu Boko is made out of dark colored stones. Because of this, they can only be seen when there is light. Therefore, it would be best to visit the site during a bright sunny day. However, this site is also home to one of the finest sunsets you can see, therefore it is recommended that you visit the site when the sun is still shining, and wait for a few moments till the sun sets. This means, you would have to visit the site sometime around 3pm-6pm.

When the sun shines, you can capture the details of the architecture of the site and as it sets, you can capture the silhouette of the building with the purple and orange sky as the background.


Tripod – A tripod would be great to bring because you would want to capture a leveled picture of the buildings. Especially the gates that looks best when captured together in a picture. It would accentuate the features of the middle gate that stands strong, proud and genuinely inviting. 

Lens – A basic 14-24mm or 16-32mm lens for a DSLR should do the job well. This is if you prefer walking nearer towards the object to capture the photo. If you prefer to take pictures of a building from afar then a 22-70mm lens is advisable.

UV filter – Of course, a UV filter is recommended to use on your lens because the sun in Yogyakarta is quite harsh and you would want to minimize any chances of your camera’s recording medium to be damaged.

Hotels and Lodgings

If you wish to reside in Yogyakarta, there are many hotels available nearby the site. The top 3 most well known ones are:

1. Melia Purosani Hotel
Address: Jl. Suryotomo 31 at Jl. Suryamatjan, Yogyakarta 55122, Indonesia
Phone Number +62 274 589521

2. Merapi Merbabu Hotel
Address: Jl. Seturan Raya, Depok | Sleman, Yogyakarta 80361, Indonesia
Phone Number:+62 274 6429100

3. Grand Tjokro Hotel
Address: Jalan Gejayan, Džogjakarta, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta 40153, Indonesia
Phone Number:+62 274 6429100

Contact Information

PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko, Jalan Raya Yogya - Solo Km 16 Prambanan, Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia, +62 274 496401 (

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