Sunday, March 2, 2014

Borobudur Temple

A Brief History

Attracting pilgrims from all over the world, the Borobudur Temple is the world’s largest Buddhist monument located in central Java. Approximately built 1,200 years ago, this temple was built entirely of stones from local rivers to create a 29-meter-high step pyramid. More than 500 Buddha statues sit all over the temple. On the lower terrace, nearly 3,000 bas-relief sculptures depicting the Buddha’s life and teachings surround it. All together, these become the largest assembly of Buddhist sculptures in the world.

This majestic site captures attention from pilgrims for hundreds of years. As a matter of fact, it has been reestablished today. Weirdly, Borobudur was abandoned by the 1500s when Islam arrived in the 13th century. Moreover, eruptions from a nearby volcano (Mount Merapi) left the site piled on by ashes and eventually; vegetation took root on the forsaken site. Early 19th century, British governor of Java, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles grasp significance of reviving the site. During the process, treasures were exposed and the stones were exposed for Villagers to take for building and Buddha heads were taken for private collections around the world. Thankfully, preservation projects of Borobudur were launched including the “Save Borobudur” campaign launched in 1968 by Indonesian government and UNESCO.

Relief panels were cleaned, a massive drainage system was built to protect the temple from erosions and the stones were reassembled. The result? Borobudur still stands to this day as what it was a thousand years ago- a beautiful and magnificent Buddhist treasure.

Puthuk Setumbu (Setumbu Hill)

In order to see the spectacular view of Borobudur, complemented by the beautiful sunrise as well as Mount Merapi and Merbabu, seldom explained in most travel guidebooks, we need to go to Setumbu hill. It is a small hill located (check map) near Borobudur. We need to reach the top of the hill before the crack of dawn. Depending on where you stay for the night, you would normally need to be ready to go to Setumbu by 4:00 in the morning.

Cars can access the roof of the hill. You may either park there, or go further up the hill until halfway from the top, where the road turns into a walking path, which is considered as the entrance to Setumbu. You need to purchase a ticket for IDR 25,000 for each person.

From there you walk your way up by following the path, The path is moderately steep and should be no issue if even you are moderately fit. However, if you start huffing and puffing you may either slow down and take a rest or head back down. You should be the judge for your own fitness level.

Once on top, you should set up your spot for taking pictures. It tends to gets crowded fast therefore it would be best if you get there early. Afterwards, erect your tripod and place your camera on it as well. Take a few shots and adjust the shutter speed, ISO and aperture to get the best possible lighting to capture the silhouette of Borobudur and the sunrise. Experiment with the settings of your camera so that you would know which setting to have when taking pictures of the sunrise, which tends to happen quickly.

The usual settings used to take pictures here are to have an ISO of 250-300, a shutter speed of 80-100, and an aperture of f/6-8. With these settings, you should be able to get the right amount of lighting that accentuates the profound architecture of Borobudur, accompanied by elements of nature, which are Mount Merapi and Merbabu, as well as the sun and sky itself.

In the morning, the weather is mildly cool. Because the site is on a hill, the altitude slightly higher, therefore the air is cooler and a bit thinner. Therefore, it is best to wear light clothing and possibly a jacket to keep warm. Walking shoes are recommended because you would want to stay as comfortable as ever when hiking up the hill. Also make sure that the soles are not slippery because the track up the hill is made of soil and it is important to get grip. Since the track is slippery, you should also make sure that you do not bring such heavy carry-ons, or else you might fall when hiking.

Tickets and Operating Hours

Operating Hours: Opens daily from 6am to 6pm.
Ticket Price:
Domestic Tourist – Adult: Rp.30.000
                                      Children: Rp.12.500
Foreign Tourist – Adult: Rp.190.000
                                Children: Rp.95.000

Setumbu Hill
Locals- Rp. 15.000
Foreigners- Rp. 30.000

Getting There

Address: Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java. To access the temple, you will need to take a plane ride to Yogyakarta, where you can then travel approximately 40km to the site by bus or car.

By minibus

Many travel agents in Yogyakarta sell tour packages that utilize minibuses for an estimated Rp. 75.000, which is a very good deal. However, they sometimes stop by at souvenir shops along the rode.

By car

Borobudur is around 60-90 minutes from Yogyakarta. Renting a car for a whole day would cost around Rp.450.000. And a one-way taxi ride from the airport should cost around Rp 190.000.


for the full map, click here

General Recommendations

The Setumbu Hill – The site has a slightly higher altitude; therefore the air is cooler and a bit thinner. Therefore, it is best to wear light clothing and possibly a jacket to keep warm. Walking shoes are recommended because you would want to stay as comfortable as ever when hiking up the hill. Also make sure that the soles are not slippery because the track up the hill is made of soil and it is important to get grip. Since the track is slippery, you should also make sure that you do not bring such heavy carry-ons, or else you might fall when hiking.

Borobudur – The weather in the temple is typically hot. It is recommended that you wear light and cool clothing but bear in mind that Borobudur is a religious site therefore, wear something quite conservative. Also consider wearing sunscreen lotion as the sun rays may be harmful.

Photography Tips


To visit Borobudur itself, you will need to visit when the sun is up and shining. It is recommended to go during the weekdays, as it would be less crowded. Also, it is also important to visit as early as possible if you want it to be less crowded, which is sometime between 6-8am.

To visit the Setumbu Hill however, it is best to arrive before dawn cracks, with a bit of time to spare to spend on setting up equipment and adjusting camera settings. This means you would have to anticipate when you are going to leave to go the site if you want to arrive at around 3.30-4am.


Tripod – A tripod would be essential to bring whether you are visiting Borobudur or Setumbu Hill. In Borobudur, you can use it to capture a perfectly aligned photo of the temple and in Setumbu Hill you can use it to take a panoramic picture of the mountains and the temple itself.

UV protector – A UV protector is important when you go to Borobudur Temple because the sun there is scorching hot. You will want to protect your camera from harmful UV rays.

Lens – A wide angled lens is recommended to bring to the Setumbu Hill to capture a panoramic picture. Meanwhile in the Borobudur Temple, a basic 16-35mm or 17-22mm lens should be just fine.

Camera Settings:
The usual settings used to take pictures here are to have an ISO of 250-300, a shutter speed of 80-100, and an aperture of f/6-8. With these settings, you should be able to get the right amount of lighting that accentuates the profound architecture of Borobudur, accompanied by elements of nature, which are Mount Merapi and Merbabu, as well as the sun and sky itself.

Hotels and Lodgings

If you wish to reside in Yogyakarta, there are many hotels available nearby the site. The top 3 closest hotels are:

1. Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta
Address: Jalan A. Mohammad Sangaji, Yogyakarta, Kota Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55233, Indonesia
Phone Number: +62 274 6415555

2. The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta
Address: Jl.Jendral Sudirman, Yogyakarta 55233, Indonesia
Phone Number: +62 274 566617

3. Cakra Kembang Hotel
Address: Jalan Kaliurang No.44, 55284, Indonesia
Phone Number: +62 274 563048

Contact Information

PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko, Jalan Raya Yogya - Solo Km 16 Prambanan, Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia, +62 274 496401 (

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